Wednesday, October 8, 2008

some starcruise photo

small family photo !

The birthday cakes

See how happy is my cousin is..haha

Myself in the chelet....

holidays is going to be over,,,,,,

without my noticing, my long vocation is going to end soon. During this vocation both sad and happy occasion occur, I shall not talk about the sad occaction as what had happen had happen, just be optimistic on the future. Now, the most enjoyable moment of my vocation was my sister 21 birthday celebration at the chelet, as there was fun and laughter which helps ease my sad memory. After the celebration, I happen to find out some photo which is taken from my Star cruise trip last Decemember from my sister Facebook account as she had added me as her friends in her account when I requested it after she had uplode the photo from the party!

Friday, June 27, 2008

with tearing and laughter

This afternoon, I went with a primary school classmate to catch a movie call 10 promises to my dog. I must said that I is one of the good japeneses movie I watch. In the show, I really shows me that it is a great commentment to rise a dog. Beside this, this movie also shows me the specials releationship between humens and animals, and also I learn the important of family. Overal, this movie movie made me laughte withe the funny father, and also made me cry.