Friday, June 27, 2008

with tearing and laughter

This afternoon, I went with a primary school classmate to catch a movie call 10 promises to my dog. I must said that I is one of the good japeneses movie I watch. In the show, I really shows me that it is a great commentment to rise a dog. Beside this, this movie also shows me the specials releationship between humens and animals, and also I learn the important of family. Overal, this movie movie made me laughte withe the funny father, and also made me cry.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

New hairstlye...

yesterday, I went with my sister to have a haircuts. Actually I just trim my hair sorter. what surprise me was my sister haidstlye, look go and nice. haha

Friday, June 13, 2008

one week past....

As i said before in my last few blog, time waite for not man. Without knowing, one week had past of my holiday. After this term, I will be going to make another group of friends. I will always remember the time we spend together.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

a life lesson

Yeasterday, I watched a movie "kongfu panda". Althougth it is and average show, it teaches me one valueable life lesson. This lesson is, to success, this is no need a secret recipe. All we need is to believe in ourself that we can achieve it, and we will be able to achieve what we want.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Happy lunch time

Today was the start of my term break holiday, but due to so unfinish work I had to go back to school. As some of my coursemate has no programme, we decide to have luch together. It was funny when we all have to chase after the bus, as the bus reaches the bus-stop before us. Luckly we manage to board the bus. It was quite an enjoyabe luch as we all enjoy each other companies while we eats. It was indeed a happy luch for me as I seldem had chance to eat with a group of people outside.